Reset Your Mind = Reset Your Life

Have you ever felt like no matter what you do, you can’t get out of your own way?

I definitely have; most of my life in fact.

Would you like the opportunity to change the trajectory of your life?

If so, what I’m about to share is for YOU!!!!

Before I begin, I just want to put it out their that this is not a paid advertisement and I will credit all my information so I don’t get in trouble.

I have a name for you- MEL ROBBINS. Chances are maybe you’ve heard of her, maybe not. Her Ted Talk has garnered over 17 million views and her book titled “The 5 Second Rule” is an international best-seller.

So what’s Mel up to?

Mel has graciously offered a free 35 day guided program called #MINDSETRESET.  The objective of this free course is to help participants gain control of their thinking because if YOU can grab control of your thinking, YOU can LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE.

How to get started?

Go to: to sign up for the program. Again, it is FREE.

You will then download a guide called Mindset Reset 2019. This guide serves as a reflection on your 2018 year and your launching pad for this new year.thumbnail_img_0393

After you are done filling out your guide, you can watch all the training videos Mel has done so far. Then with each new day, you will receive a new email from Mel debriefing that days training and a video to go a long with it.

As Mel says “this is not a race”, so don’t worry if you’re just joining or you don’t have time to dedicate every day to your Mindset Reset, it’s OK. Do it at your own pace. You can always refer back to your emails at any given time; plus, all of Mel’s trainings can be found on YouTube in a playlist if you search Mel Robbins Mindset Reset.

As of right now, over 240,000 people from all over the world are doing this program. Wow!

Since Mel has worked really hard on this program, I am not going to go into detail about what is covered because I want you to participate in the program yourself instead of looking for a summary from me. So below I am going to list a few things that I have learned so far so that you know what really stuck out to me.

  1. The Reticular Activating System. One of the most interesting things that I have learned, EVER.
  3. The Power of Visualization
  4. Limiting Beliefs vs. Deliberate Thinking
  5. How much your phone is dictating your life
  6. How snoozing the alarm harms our ability each day
  7. How vital our morning routines are

If you are upset that I’m not giving you a quick rundown of the information it’s because I really want you to access the program through

I have been going through a lot of growth the last 2 years and have been doing several self studies and reading a lot but I still KNOW this program is an absolute game changer. Mel’s work is awesome too, in the fact that everything she teaches is backed in science; skeptics beware, there is no reason to be a skeptic anymore.

Live a shitty life? Want to change your life? Sick of being in a negative space all the time? You want to chase after your dreams?


Here’s what I know:

Everyone wants things for their life.

Why don’t more people get what they want out of their life?

They are afraid.


Growing means getting out of your comfort zone, doing things you have never done before, looking at things from a different perspective.

People like knowing what to expect and as much as we dream, we are often too scared to leave our predictable, safe life. No matter how you live, there is always a sense of safety in predictability and knowing what to expect. It doesn’t matter what you are experiencing, change is hard and some would rather stay in their hell whole because they are used to it. Growing means taking responsibility for our lives instead of blaming others for what we don’t have.

I will share ONE quick principle from Mel’s training about limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs are beliefs that you have about yourself that limit you in some way, shape, or form. Classic Examples: “I’m not good enough!” “I’m not smart enough!” etc…

We all have one. Whether we like to admit it or not. If you are like me, you may have several.

Mel poses important questions in regards to those limiting beliefs:

  1. What has your limiting belief cost you in the past?
  2. What is your limiting belief costing you now?
  3. If you stay the way you are, what will your limiting beliefs cost you in the future?


To reiterate, I am not a paid spokesperson; I have yet to establish notoriety of any sort, most days I don’t know if anyone actually reads my blog. But I hope you do!

I can say from personal experience, that this program is really helping me. I’ve done a lot of work in the last few years and I’m still learning new things from Mel each day. I have even done the Mindset Reset with 3 of my 5 classes. It’s really simple and to the point.

Also, Mel is amazing because she takes questions and answers from live viewers that are SUPER helpful.

Honestly, I could go on and on about this program. I’m sure I’ll find something later that I wish I had included but it’ll all work out in the end as long as you join the program with me 🙂

Before I go, I want to share a couple quotes directly from Mel;

  • Don’t be down on yourself for past mistakes or past ways of thinking; chalk it all up to “I did the best I could”
  • “There is no right way to do life”


The most lovely thing Mel does is at the end of each training video; she tells viewers that “in case no one has told you today, I love you and I believe in you”. It is such a sweet sentiment to end each training with.

Reset Your Mind! Go live your life!


Mel and her team would love to hear from you and see the work you are doing so if you post your work use the hashtag #mindsetreset


Want to hear more from Mel?

Follow her social media accounts below 

Interested in Mel’s Ted Talk? Check it out below:




2 thoughts on “Reset Your Mind = Reset Your Life

  1. Pingback: Comparison is the Thief of Joy – Authentic Empath

  2. Pingback: The Best of Intentions – Authentic Empath

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