Get to know me!!!

Here are a few of my favorite things…
COFFEE. Above all other things, coffee.
Reading. I’ve read 36 books in the past year, yea for fun.
I am currently so excited to share that I am learning how to play guitar!!! Goal–Learn how to write songs.
TRAVEL– Most people don’t know this but I have 2. Yes 2!!! International trips planned for next summer. The first one will be to Central Europe (Germany,Poland,Czech Republic, Austria and Hungary) and the second one will be to the Baltics of (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and FINLAND!!!)
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Fashion. I basically act like it’s my job to find the best deals. I hope to share some of my fashion insight with you in future posts.
The cup that is hard to see reads “Nascar Hall of Fame”. Yes I am a diehard Nascar fan.
My 4 things tote (Coffee obvi :), Photography, Hiking and Impractical Jokers) Let me be honest, I’m split between Impractical Jokers and The Office as my all time favorites.

Now that I’ve shared some of MY favorite things, what are yours? I’d love to hear!

Calling all Intuitive Empaths!

Hello my fellow Empaths,

My name is Shelby and I am writing to you from my small, crammed bedroom in VT.

Let’s be real. I’m a 24 year old Humanities Teacher at a Therapeutic High School with a Bachelors Degree in Psychology. Hint: Notice how my job and my degree do not connect. Yeah there’s a lot of that in my life. Perfect missteps that have lead me to achieve such big things at such a young age. The most interesting thing about me is that I am an Empath.

Wait. Hold the phone. What? Yes, you heard me correctly, I am an Empath. In short, an Empath is someone who feels everything and has to distinctly separate themselves from others and their problems for if not, they will absorb all of it as their own.

Still confused. Here’s a checklist to help you figure it out.

  1. Do you feel like you are a walking sponge? A.K.A people come to you with all their problems over and over again.
  2. You feel like you know stuff about others even when you don’t know them.
  3. You find yourself having to take space a lot from people because the everyday information download is just too overwhelming.

Chances are, you identify will all of these traits. For clarity’s sake, let me be straight- there is soooo much more to being an Empath than what I mentioned above. I haven’t even added all the ingredients yet.

Why am I here? I’m here because I am on the next trip of my spiritual growth (more about my past spiritual growths another day). Back to this spiritual growth- I am ready to share my innermost knowledge in hopes of helping guide others. My goal is to become outwardly authentic as I do this. I am someone who is conscious of the idea of constant growth. We all need to grow, growing is never ending. My first major growth was learning I was an Empath. This knowledge allowed me to connect a lot of dots in my life that were weighing me down.

Hopes and Dreams: That you, whoever you are, feel connected enough to this first post to keep following along. That you- wonderful Empathic creature, begin to touch the surface of your inner most being through this blog.

Stay tuned!!! My next post will be diving in to the most intricate important parts of being an Empath.

