Where’s Waldo? (How to spot an Empath)

This is a quick guide for those of you who are wondering if you or someone you know is an Empath.

To parody off of Jeff Foxworthy, “You Might be a Redneck if..”.

“You might be an Empath if…”

  • You turn other peoples problems into your problems and try to make it your personal mission to solve everyone’s problems.
  • You are easily exhaustible due to the brain energy you use up thinking each day.
  • You automatically sense and can speculate as to why someone is not themselves.
  • You think your energy should match the energy of everyone else, regardless if it’s happy or sad energy.
  • You don’t know how you do it, but you are able to sense and feel what others are feeling.


Remember this post The Empath Toolkit (Short Version)  ???

In this post earlier on my blog, I referenced how I have a student who asks me “what is energy?”. In my prior post, I felt that I didn’t know what energy meant to me (or at least I didn’t know how to verbalize it). Now I do!

“What is Energy?”

Energy is a new wave of feelings that are separate from your baseline feelings. These feelings are the kind that hit you instantly and without warning. These feelings make you stop and assess why it exists. Energy feels like a powerful surge through your body that you can’t control; only feel and assess. Energy can be like a boomerang; pinged off of one person to another. Energy represents a cosmic shift when the universe has decided it needs something from us. Our job is not to figure out why it occurs but how to work with it; not against it.

2 thoughts on “Where’s Waldo? (How to spot an Empath)

  1. Pingback: My Real (and Raw) Empath Experience. – Authentic Empath

  2. Pingback: Energy Update! – Authentic Empath

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