“The enemy of my enemy is actually my friend” wise words of Dwight K. Shrute and also the non-political title for this discussion about the Media and Trump

I’m going to surprise you with this post! You will understand if you stick with me.

  1. Did I vote for Trump? No.
  2. Do I hate Trump? No. I don’t personally know him and don’t feel that I can use such a strong word to describe someone I don’t know.
  3. Are all his ideas bad in my opinion? No.
  4. Is the execution of his ideas often bad in my opinion? Yes.
  5. Am I republican? No.
  6. Do I find myself defending Trump sometimes? Yes
  7. Do I find myself defending the media sometimes? Yes
  8. Do I believe that the media’s job is to report facts freely without fear of persecution? Yes.


Okay. Let’s get a couple things out in the open…This is NOT a political post. My personal beliefs should have no effect on how you take this information in because honestly, they are not the point of this story; however the perspective helps.

I did not vote for Trump; the two reasons being: 1. we share a different view point on how to fix and take care of issues in our country 2. I don’t like how I see him treat or talk about other people. Simple as that.

Having said this, I wholeheartedly understand why people voted for him. I also understand why people voted for Hilary. Both are representatives for different ways of doing things for our country and they prioritization of beliefs is different and they have some differing beliefs.

*Relevancy please*. No matter what political affiliation you are a part of, we all know that it is a FACT that the Media and Trump do not get along. I would have to disagree with Mr. Trump and his label of “Fake News” and argue that “Bias News” may be more accurate. I digress.

Two things:

The media: Trump says a lot of “off the cuff” remarks on a daily basis that are always recorded. Case in point: He gives the media a lot of material to work with. He is unlike most recent presidents in his non-traditional way of conducting business as commander in chief; making for an easy story.

Trump: No matter what he says, it is always used against him. He is a human being. What kind of human being he is, is up to your discretion. Regardless, he is still a human being no matter what job title he has. As a human, he is followed around tirelessly, when he makes a mistake- it is captured. If he tries to fix the mistake, he is criticized for not doing whatever it was in the first place.

Okay Shelby…Is this still the authentic empath blog or what….

Yes. Very much so.

As an empath, I have the marvelous existence of being able to put myself in other peoples shoes. In any social situation, I can do this. It is exhausting. Sometimes this can be helpful. Other times this can be a stick in the mud where I feel too bad for people who I shouldn’t.


The media: If I were the media, I would think “Heck yeah, Trump gives us a lot to work with on a regular basis. It’s his own fault for not shutting his mouth.”

Trump: If I were Trump, I would be aggravated with the media and their incessant capturing of my mistakes. If I were Trump I would think “Geez people, damned if I do, damned if I don’t. Have you ever made a mistake? Because you’re quick to judge me on mine.”

The Megyn Kelly’s, John McCain’s, and anyone else who has felt attacked by Trump: If I were them I would think “the things he says are not okay. They are mean spirited and if he doesn’t have anything nice to say, he shouldn’t say anything at all. He was very hurtful in the comments he made”.

Trump’s Children and Wife: If I were them, I would think, “The media won’t let up. They talk about us quite a bit. Have they ever thought about how it makes us feel when they say the stuff that they do?”


Shelby brain during the Trump vs. Jim Acosta debate:

“Trump looked really mad. His party just lost the house in the midterms. Jim Acosta is asking his questions too many times. Why won’t he give up? Oh…Trump’s getting irritated. Can’t blame him. Acosta’s not letting up. This is Acosta’s job though. Oh great things are getting heated. Trump that is no way to treat other people. A woman is grabbing the microphone from Acosta. Acosta should have the right to stay in the white house. Trump should have the right as president to move onto another question if he wants to.”


My point: In my unique experience as an empath, I take in too much information on most days, making my head spin. The news is a big trigger (which it is for most empaths). No matter what the headline is or the facts of the story, I can always see where the media is coming from. I can always see where Trump is coming from. No matter where I stand politically and morally, I can understand where each side is coming from and the factors that contribute to them. ^ The Shelby brain story gives you a glimpse into how I take two sides in while watching a situation unfold.

What I want you to learn from today’s blog

  • Learn to see all the sides of a situation while feeling confident in your belief system. This is one of those “you can have your cake and eat it too” scenarios. You can be both things 🙂
  • The news is a big trigger for empaths because the context of the stories heightens our intuitive emphatic sensitivities. Limiting your input of news is preferable.
  • We are all human. Period. We should treat each other like we are humans. Period.
  • Stop and think the next time you use the word Hate. Do you really feel an intense and passionate dislike for someone or something? as Merriam Webster defines. Especially for people you don’t know personally.
  • Seeing all perspectives is a good thing. It means you are able to drift in and out of different social groups because you get it. You just get it.
  • That getting caught up in the “my belief is better than yours or who I voted for is better than yours” is just complete and UTTER CRAP! Are our beliefs important? Heck yeah. Are how we choose to conduct ourselves important? Also Heck Yeah. It is not our business what other people believe or what they think of our beliefs. What we do a.k.a. “how we live out our beliefs and values” is the most important thing in our life. Arguing one way or another serves no purpose. Sure, argue all day about who the better candidate is, then come back and tell me how much “being right” improved your inner being. 
  • Being Right serves no purpose whatsoever. Except to start arguments, continue an argument, end an argument and close you off from people who do not think the way you do. So what?  Stop trying to be right!!! Believe what you believe and move on. It’s not your business what others believe. We are all human, treat others (even those you disagree with) as humans.
  • As humans, most of have most of the same beliefs and values (with a few exceptions). Our political party affiliations just showcase the priority in which we place these beliefs and values. We are more alike than we are different.


With all my empathic love and seeing of all sides,


P.S.- Start paying attention to how often you make “being right” the focal point of your discussion. I promise that you will be amazed at how much you do it and how much better you feel when once you are able to train yourself not to do that. It takes a lot of work, but you can do it!